2 things NOT to do when you have Keratoconus

2 things NOT to do when you have Keratoconus

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Keratoconus results in a gradual increase of astigmatism (abnormal astigmatism) and myopia until the age when its development stops. It is an optical condition that starts in most cases at the age of 15-20 years and develops until about the age of 40-45 years, without this being a standard rule, since the development can stop at an earlier age as well.


A main characteristic of patients with undiagnosed keratoconus is the frequent change of spectacles, as well as the fact that they complain of distortion and blurring of the images.


If you are familiar with these symptoms or if you have been diagnosed with keratoconus, here are some basic things to look out for:


  1. You should NOT rub your eyes with pressure over the corneal area. If you feel the need to rub your eyes, rub with your fingertips only on the tip of each eyelid, where the upper and lower eyelids come into contact, away from the corneal area.


  1. You should NOT be near high temperature sources, such as fire, grill, etc. If you often need to be near such high temperature sources due to your daily routine or your work, use glasses with protective filters that limit infrared radiation (heat). Your optician can advise and supply you with such glasses.